
I HAVE BEEN AN EVENT LEADER AND GUEST SPEAKER SINCE 1986. FOR THE MOST part, over the last 25 years, the events that I have led focus primarily on music education. I also present, from time to time, on the topic of Behavioral Mechanics, as well as long-term relationships.

As my organization has grown internationally, and the conversation about the importance of creativity has become more mainstream, I have begun presenting at higher profile events. Looking ahead to the immediate future I see that my role as the spokesperson for my organization will expand significantly. This is a unique time in human history and the need for us to understand the need for humanity to develop its creative capability, has never been more important.


Abundance 360 Annual Event

Rancho Palos Verdes, USA

It was an honor to present on stage at Peter Diamandis’ Abundance 360 Annual Event. I spoke about the need to develop the creative capability of humanity, and build a global community of AI-empowered educators bringing transformative music education to AI-empowered students.

SIMS Speakeasy

Venice, USA

An absolute pleasure today presenting at Steve Sims’ Speakeasy Event. A great opportunity to connect with a curated group of 50 entrepreneurs, and discuss the importance of playing-based music education, and its neurological impact on developing our creative capability.

TEDxTalk: How music can future-proof your brain

Jacksonville, FL

I was very excited to speak at this prestigious TEDx event that showcased a broad spectrum of voices from an array of areas of thought, work, and life. It was a privilege to speak about the need to redefine and re-present music education in a way that is both more accessible, and far more relevant to the technologically-driven world we are heading into.


Click the image to watch my TEDxTalk. 

Brave New World – Oxford University

Oxford, England

‘The Oxford Talks’ initiative – Brave New World – is a global journey to identify and share 2,500 thought-provoking ideas from 50 cities across 35 countries. Its mission is to create a global sense of connectedness, and discover ideas that have the potential to define the time we are living in. It’s an honor for me to have presented at Oxford, and shared about my mission to elevate the creative capability of humanity.

GENIUS Network

Tempe, Arizona

The Genius Network, founded by super-connector Joe Polish, is an exclusive community of high-level entrepreneurs, industry transformers, and business leaders. My presentation focused on playing-based music education and the impact it can have on developing creative capability and entrepreneurship.

Archangel Changemakers

Toronto Canada

I was privileged to have had the opportunity to present at the Archangel CHANGEMAKER event this year. I spoke about how musicianship and expanded creative capability can help us to navigate our way through the complexities associated with the arrival of the ‘technological tsunami’.

If you would like for me to be a speaker at an upcoming event, or a guest in your podcast, please feel free to reach out and contact me directly.